Roy William Howard
Lance Corporal
United States Marine Corps
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
October 29, 1949 to August 02, 1968
ROY W HOWARD is on the Wall at Panel W50, Line 50
See the full profile or name rubbing for Roy Howard

Combat Action Ribbon

13 Apr 2007

Man, I'll never forget the day I saw you in boot camp. A "real person" in the herd, ha. I couldn't take my eyes off you, I couldn't place your face and I couldn't believe it was you once I realized it, ha, somebody from home, from school! But I remember your face that day, all these years, to this day. I wish I could have seen you on leave. No, they'd never allow something like that would they. Next time I heard about you, I was at sea and you were leaving Nam, killed in action. I'll see you again sometime. I went to where you were over there, Quang Nam, so I know what it was like for you, almost.

A friend,
E-mail address is not available.


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The 3rd AMTRAC's daily Situation Report for 02 Aug 1968 contains the following:
"Contacts: At 022130H at coord BT075704 3rd AMTR Bn squad size patrol while moving at the above coord saw two VN run into a house in Tan Luu village. The patrol surrounded the house and sent a four man team in to check the suspects. As patrol entered house, they received automatic weapons fire from back room. Patrol returned fire, killing one suspected NVA sapper in the house, and one suspected NVA sapper as he fled. Enemy KIAs suspected NVA sappers due to equipment captured on their bodies. Dispatched Bn reaction squad to assist wounded Marine. Searched area and found equipment listed below. Continued on mission."
The "equipment listed" included AK-47 assault rifles and ammunition, grenades, a grappling hook, and maps of the 3rd AMTRAC Battalion's command post.

LCpl Roy W. Howard was killed in the incident and two other Marines were wounded.

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